
Available preprints

Eunice G. Fernandes, Sindre Fosstveit, Jack Feron, Foyzul Rahman, Sam Lucas, Hilde Lohne Seiler, Sveinung Berntsen, Allison Wetterlin, Katrien Segaert, and Linda Wheeldon. Effects of exercise training on language comprehension in monolingual and bilingual older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Preprint available:

Jack Feron, Foyzul Rahman, Sindre H Fosstveit, Kelsey E Joyce, Ahmed Gilani, Hilde Lohne-Seiler, Sveinung Berntsen, Karen J Mullinger, Katrien Segaert, Samuel J E Lucas. Cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time responses tohome-based exercise training in healthy older adults. Preprint available:

Sindre H Fosstveit, Sveinung Berntsen, Jack Feron, Kelsey E. Joyce, Andreas Ivarsson, Katrien Segaert, Samuel J.E. Lucas, Hilde Lohne-Seiler. HIIT at Home: Enhancing Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Older Adults – A Randomised Controlled Trial. Preprint available:

Jack Feron, Katrien Segaert, Foyzul Rahman, Sindre Fosstveit, Kelsey E Joyce,  Ahmed Gilani, Hilde Lohne-Seiler, Sveinung Bernsten, Karen J Mullinger, Samuel J E Lucas. Determinants of cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time in healthy older adults. Preprint available:

Foyzul Rahman*, Kamen A. Tsvetanov, Jack Feron, Karen Mullinger, Kelsey Joyce, Ahmed Gilani, Eunice G. Fernandes, Allison Wetterlin, Linda Wheeldon, Samuel J.E. Lucas, Katrien Segaert. Lifestyle and brain health determinants of word-finding failures in healthy ageing. Preprint available:

Fernandes, E., Segaert, K., Rahman, F., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. (submitted to Bilingualism, Language and Cognition) Bilingualism and ageing independently impact on language processing: evidence from comprehension and production. Preprint available: 10.31234/

Markiewicz, R., Rahman, F., Fernandes, E., Limachya, R., Wetterlin, A., Wheeldon, L. and Segaert, K. (submitted to Bilingualism, Language and Cognition) Effects of healthy ageing and bilingualism on attention and executive functions. Preprint available:

Our time together in Kristiansand, Norway, has been fantastic. It provided the perfect opportunity for the entire group to dive deeper into the various analyses and papers we’ve been focusing on.

FAB team member Dr. Foyzul Rahman started a new position this month as Assistant Professor at City University in Birmingham. Congratulations Foyzul on this exciting new step. We celebrated with a brummie balti.

FAB Reunion & Celebration Event
Friday 21st April 2023

On Friday (21st April), the FAB UK team hosted a ‘thank you’ event where former study participants were invited to the University of Birmingham for a series of talks, discussions, and, most importantly, cake! The team updated the participants on interim findings from the study, specifically focusing on the cardiorespiratory and neuroimaging components from the project. Over 60 attendees were present and one particular participant, whose name we’ll keep confidential so that she isn’t inundated with requests, baked seven boxes of cupcakes (yes, seven!) especially for the event. The cupcakes were even FAB-branded (image above).

A range of colleagues from the Schools of Psychology and Sports, Exercise, and Rehabilitation Sciences also came along to talk about their exciting ongoing projects, and, Dr Joe Galea, the Director of Research for the School of Psychology, gave a talk on exciting research developments within the School.

A particular highlight was a former participant who shared his experiences of taking part in the study with the wider group. He has even taken the initiative to set up a ‘FAB alumni’ Facebook group so that former participants can keep in touch and share their fitness journeys.

Overall, the event was a “resounding success” (participants’ words, not ours) and we are indebted to our wonderful participants for giving up their time to contribute to our project and, ultimately, science. Thank you.

FAB Birmingham.

Nico, a Research Assistant based at the University of Birmingham, UK, is sadly leaving the FAB project at the end of August. Nico played a big part in our cognitive data collection efforts and project admin. He is moving to Bristol, UK, where he will take up an exciting role in stroke rehabilitation. From the wider FAB team, we wish you all the best Nico!

We are now finished with recruiting participants in both the UK and Norway. Therefore, we want to give a special thank you to all of the participants who kindly volunteered to participate in our study. Here with a picture of our UK team celebrating this milestone 🙂

Two of our project group members (Hilde Lohne-Seiler and I) recently published an article in the local newspaper in Kristiansand, Norway, with the title “Train the brain by training the body”. Click on the picture below to read the article.

Saturday the 18th of September, we represented our Faculty and FAB project at the science days in Kristiansand, Norway. Below you can see pictures of our stand.

I had the pleasure of travelling over to meet the UK arm of the project to finalise all the fitness tests. In Birmingham, they tested their first participants at the fitness lab today, and in Norway, we will have our first on Monday, the 20th of September. Under you can see some pictures from the fitness lab in the UK.

We are now up and running with the recruitment in Kristiansand as well. Our goal is to recruit 80 people aged between 18-35 years and 160 aged between 60-85 years. Click on the picture below to read our Norwegian recruitment article.

A lot has happened in the last few weeks, and we are finally ready to start recruiting participants in the UK. If you click on the picture below, you can read the recruitment article that has been published in BirminghamLive.

The UK arm of our project will run at the Centre for Human Brain Health at the University of Birmingham. Our project was featured in the Centre’s annual report, as you can see on page 7 in the flipbook below.


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